I am a bit of an Exercise TV regular, so when Vianessa presented me with the opportunity to actually try out one of DVDs I immediately agreed. Though I love the convenience of the TV workouts, it's always a bit disappointing when your favorites are taken out of the rotation. Vianessa is not exactly a fan of yoga (I'm hoping to convert her), but I have been practicing for about two years, so she shipped me her copy of Yoga Bootcamp to review. (She was also busy already reviewing 10 Pound Slimdown Xtreme.) The Yoga Bootcamp DVD set itself includes four, specifically-targeted workouts that take approximately 40 minutes each. Two of the workouts are by Ashley Turner - Core Strength and Twisting Detox - and two are by Ted McDonald - Power Yoga for Abs & Arms and Dynamic Flow for Legs & Butt. The set also comes with a 28-day workout planand clean eating guide/cleanse, neither of which were included in this particular review due to lack of turnaround time.
Overall, the DVD did prove challenging and offers something more than the regular "fusion"-style workouts often found on Exercise TV. It really payed attention to the core principles of yoga, including audible breathing, body technique and setting intentions for each workout. Each routine also offered modified versions of moves and poses but I would not necessarily recommend this set for beginners. The flows move quickly and the instructors tend to use yoga terminology freeingly, both of which may cause confusion for those unfamiliar with yoga. The promo video calls it a "challenging cardio workout," and though it is challenging, calling it "cardio" is a tad bit misleading.